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Email Course:

Take Your Client Interactions to the Next Level Through Interactive Planning

The advisor-client relationship is meant to be two-way. Create engaging, interactive conversations through an environment that allows your clients to lead or take part in the discussion.

Two out of three investors say that an advisor can build trust with them by “customizing their approach to meet my needs"1. Creating an environment where the client feels invested helps establish lifelong relationships.

Sign up for our email course and learn how you can create moments that matter to each and every client by having the right conversations with interactive planning.

Here is a preview of the 5 day course:

  • Day 1: Interactive Financial Planning
  • Day 2: Supportive Technology
  • Day 3: Engaging Conversations
  • Day 4: Data Talks
  • Day 5: The Client Experience


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1Deloitte, '2019 Investment Management Outlook'. Available at: https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/us/Documents/financial-services/us-fsi-dcfs-investment-management-2019-outlook-rev.pdf. Accessed May 2020